Athabasca Glacier

Our next scenic stop was the Athabasca Glacier.

It was huge! What surprised me the most though, was how much the glacier has shrunk since the 40's. Only about 40% of it is still left! We had to climb a steep trail to get up on to the glacier. Only to find out all access to climb on the glacier has been restricted from the public. However if you have your heart set on touching the glacier, they have the option for a fancy bus tour.  My mom did the tour and got the most amazing photos! They drive you up on the glacier and have a level, roped off area that's safe to explore and walk around. One thing I observed from the bottom of the slanted glacier, is that there is a large amount of wind that comes off of it. It's so strong and powerful. It Reminds me a lot of how God moves and works in our lives today and the lives of those around us. You cant see Him, but you can definitely feel the effects of His works!!

We stayed across the street from the Glacier in a parking lot. This was the view from my window!


  1. "One thing I observed from the bottom of the slanted glacier, is that there is a large amount of wind that comes off of it. It's so strong and powerful. It Reminds me a lot of how God moves and works in our lives today and the lives of those around us. You cant see Him, but you can definitely feel the effects of His works!!" I love this connection you made!

    1. Thank you so much! I have heard this comparison many times in my life, but it felt so tangable at the Glacier. As if God really wanted me to stop and think about how we can not see him, but we can feel and see the effects of his works.


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