I did make friends!!

One if the reasons I was hesitant to leave home and travel was because I would miss my friends. I felt that if I moved into an RV that I was basically submitting myself to be friendless. I did it anyway. I had to trust that God would provide for my longing for community. We are part of a group of families who also travle called Fulltime Families. Fulltime families hosts rallies all over the country a few times a year. My parents told me one day that there was going to be a rally near us. They said we were going to go to meet other families that travel. Excitedly they said that there were many teens among these families and I would be able to make friends. To be honest I was not very happy. I had gotten used to never seeing anyone my age and had forgotten how to act "cool" around teens. I was afraid of being the "new kid" and did not want to be judged. I could not have been more wrong! The first day of the rally I met 2 girls who had no problem being super friendly to me even though we had just met. They are both as horse obsessed as I am, which instantly gave us a million things to talk about. (Oh didn't I tell you? I am completely, totally, undeniably horse crazy!) Then they started introducing me to everyone. I was shocked by the personalities I was met with. These kids didn't know me yet were so accepting and liked me for me... I had to be missing something! People are not that nice and accepting the day they meet you... or are they? A few days later I felt like I was part of a new family. These kids cared about me, and went out of their way to help me. I feel so appreciated! These kids are just as cool as they are nice. They all have a wicked sense of humor. Each has their own style and unique hobbies. Many are musicians, photogoraphers, and one is even a ninja! I hit the friend jackpot!! Our whole family made friends at the rally, and we have moved our travel plans a lot to get to see them. We are going to Alaska this summer with one family. Then we are spending all of winter in Florida with everyone! God took care of me in the friends department. I'm so glad he did. I would not trade these friends for the world!


  1. Awesome, happy to hear you made new friends.

    1. Thanks!! My friends are totally amazing, and I'm loving traveling with them!!

  2. Hi Madison. I am a friend of your grandfather, Steve. When did you leave California and how long have you been on the road? What an amazing experience!

    1. Hello Elaine, thank you for your question!! I'll add it to the list of questions for what do you want Wednesday!! Check back on Thursday for answers!! (don't know what what do you want Wednesday is? Check out my post called What do you want Wednesday for more details)


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