
Today's society moves so quickly. Picture the average American family. I'm imagining mom and dad and two or three kids. Do you see them? They wake up on Monday morning and scramble out of bed. Dad gets in the shower and then dressed for his six figure job that takes up all his time. Mom wakes up and gets the kids out of bed while she waits for the shower. Then everyone eats so fast they barely get to chew. Next they get in their fancy car and rush off to school. Mom then proceeds to work. The kids are at school being force fed so much information and being told to memorize it all. After school they go their separate way to their extra curricular activities. Then they have to do their homework which takes up most of their evening. Mom and dad get home later that evening and barely get to see their kids. They all go to bed just to get up and do it all over again the next day. Sound overwhelming? You bet! I'm exhausted just imagining this. But maybe you are familiar with this family. Maybe you are part of this family. So much is demanded from us every day. We never have time to breathe. There never seems to be the time to relax.

Maybe your stress isn't from commitments today. Maybe your situation comes with more anxiety. Worrying about the child who has turned away from the faith. Scared for the life of an ill loved one. Stressed about how you will pay the next mortgage. Feeling lonely after the relationship broke. 

God didn't design us to feel that way. All of these are valid, don't get me wrong. God will help you through everything, don't worry. (See Genesis 50:21, Psalm 55:22, Psalm 121:3, and Psalm 46:10) He will help you, in His timeline. In the meantime, The Lord asks us to trust Him and promises us peace if we accept it.* Today He wants to encourage you to find rest and peace in Him.

Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect  peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

Today I leave you with a challenge. Try to find just five minutes in your busy day. Take five minutes and find a quiet place where you can just calm your mind and accept God's gift of peace.

* I heard someone say one time that God is a gentleman. He will never force Himself on us. He wants us to come to Him and accept Him of our own free will. 


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